Register account


This guide takes you thru all steps to be implemented in order to register an account in our procurement and advertising database.


Klicka här för svensk version

Do this

1. Click on the EU- English flag for English a version

2. Click on Register.



Image 1. e-Avrop homepage



The registration form is displayed.


3. Enter your e-mail twice.


4. Click on Continue.



                                                                                                                     Image 2. Step 1 of 3 Register account



When you click the Continue button e-Avrop sends an e-mail with temporary login details to your inbox.


If you do not receive a message
If you don’t not received login details within a few minutes, check your spam filter. If you can’t find any message there, add the contact to your address book and order a new set of temporary credentials. These will be treated differently by your email program. If the problem still persists, contact your IT support.


5. In your inbox, you received a massage headed:
    Nya användaruppgifter/ New user information.



                                                    Image 3. email with med temporary log in information



6. Copy the password from your email an paste it in to the form.



                                                                                                                    Image 4. Submit temporary password



7. Click on the Continue button.

The form for required information displays. For future support cases, we recommend that you submit your direct line or mobile phone number.

We strongly recommend that you take the time to fill in the optional data. This information is used when you are invited to direct procurement or/and auctions. This service is free for you but it requires that we have the information.



                                                                                                           Image 5. Step 2 of 3  Required information



8. When finished, kicks on the button Agree and save in the lower right of the page


You now come to the final step in the account registration. Here, you make up your own password, which will replace the temporary password.



                                                                                                                  Image 6. Step 3 of 3  Change password



Rules for password

The password must be minimum 8 characters long an must contain at least three of the following four categories.

1.      Lower case letters

2.      CAPITALS

3.      Numbers (0-9)

4.      Special Characters (!, #, +,?, &, %, @... e.t.c)
(spaces are not allowed)


9. Submit your new password an click the Save button.


Now the account setup completed. You can now login with your email address as username and your password.


Good luck!



Your login details are personal. Therefore, always store them in a safe place. Never give out your login information. The staff at e-Avrop will never ask for your login credentials by email or by phone.


Why do I have to change my password?
Our policy is that you must change your password as soon as is has been sent via e-mail. When you change the password, you're the only one who knows it.